Aberdeen Angus

Aberdeen Angus cattle

Aberdeen Angus cattle - often know as Angus internationally - are commonly used in beef production. The breed was developed in the 1800s from cattle native to Aberdeenshire and Angus in Scotland.

History of Aberdeen Angus cattle

Tenant farmer, Hugh Watson, is often referred to as one of the key founders of the Aberdeen Angus. By selecting the best black, polled animals, Watson produced cattle of outstanding quality and character. It is said that the vast majority of Aberdeen Angus cattle around today can have their pedigrees traced back to a bull and cow owned by Watson.

Early pioneers such as Hugh Watson, William McCombie and Sir George Macpherson-Grant established this magnificent beef breed in Aberdeenshire, Angus, Speyside and the Laigh of Moray. Aberdeen Angus cattle later spread throughout Scotland and into England and Ireland. Today, the Black Angus is one of the most popular beef breeds in America.

Aberdeen Angus characteristics

Aberdeen Angus cattle are black or red and naturally polled. The Aberdeen Angus has many benefits to a commercial beef farmer. This undemanding breed is adaptable, good-natured and copes admirably in harsh weather. They mature early, have a high carcass yield and the meat is beautifully marbled.

Females calve easily and have a strong maternal instinct. Cows can continue to bear calves for many years. It isn’t unusual for 13 year old animals to still be productive. One of Hugh Watson’s cows is alleged to have produced 29 calves during her 35 year life!

Aberdeen Angus cattle can thrive in all conditions with a minimum of maintenance. Little wonder that they are now a truly international breed, popular in America, Argentina, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. They can also be found in Brazil, South Africa and across Europe.

If you are interested in purchasing Aberdeen Angus cattle, please get in touch.

Aberdeen Angus cattle for sale

David Clarke Livestock source and deliver Aberdeen Angus cattle to farms across Ireland, the UK and Europe. See our delivery of Pedigree Angus in-calf and maiden heifers to a customer in Spain.

Other breeds of beef cattle are available. These include Aubrac, Beef Shorthorn, Belgian BlueChianina, Limousin and Salers.

Dual purpose and dairy livestock also supplied. Breeds include JerseyFleckvieh, Holstein, MontbeliardeNorwegian Red and Rotbunt.
